Friday, September 30, 2011

Facebook Posting: No Need to Fact Check

I'm sure that most of you have a facebook page, right? Also, most of you probably have facebook friends who copy and paste practically everything they read that sounds good. You may even be guilty of that yourself. And you know what, I'm ok with that.


What I get tired of is the 412 posts I see every week telling me that the only way for me to show the world that I care about cancer (or child abuse, animal abuse, old people, the earth, my family, natural disaster victims, you get the point) is to copy and repost. They usually end with a statement like, "Will you repost? I did." You know...because people are proud of themselves for reposting someone else's thoughts to prove something that your friends should know anyway.

I mean, really? Do you think I wasn't aware of the fact that you love your daughter and feel that she is the most precious person on the planet? Facebook did NOT tell me anything new there, my friend. And if you're trying to raise awareness for worthy causes, please do something more productive than taking 3.8 seconds to copy and paste these ridiculous posts. Instead, maybe go volunteer somewhere or sponsor a fundraiser or something. And when you log into Facebook, try to share a thought that originated within your own skull.

All those posts saying that Facebook is going to start charging? Give me a break. Facebook isn't that stupid.

And that brings me to the posts that make fun of those "Facebook is going to charge you" posts. You know the ones. They usually say something along the lines of "If you don't copy and paste, Mark Zuckerberg will come to your home and punch your kitten in the face." Those are sometimes funny to read once. Once. Having 40 people repost it kind of makes it lose its effect. Ya feel me?

This week, I have started seeing a new post that is being reposted by people everywhere. It says that this year, October will have 5 Mondays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. This only happens once every 823 years and it's called moneybags. You should make a wish, but you have to repost this information if you want it to come true. Yadda, yadda, yadda...

You know what happened last year? October had 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. And everyone said that it was called moneybags, it only happens once every 823 years, and you should make a wish and then repost. Sound familiar?

I hate to break it to all you moneybaggers, but take a look at this calendar:
Ok. Now take a look at THIS calendar:

They look the same, right? Well, not quite. That first one is a calendar for October 2011. The second one? October 2022. Now, call me crazy, but it looks like this amazing event called moneybags will happen again in 11 years. That's a far cry from 823 years, don't ya think?

This is just one more example of how facebook is slowly turning otherwise intelligent people into braindead drones who don't see the value in verifying information before passing it along to others.

People, I know you've heard it before, but you simply cannot believe everything you read on the internet. Especially social networking sites. I mean, most people wouldn't hear someone say something in real life and then go around repeating it to everyone without even thinking about whether or not it is accurate, right? So why do it online?